Engineering and
Environmental Engineering and Remediation
Our planning spectrum includes all aspects of environmental engineering and remediation from extensive conventional underground engineering work to detailed construction site clearance, from the excavation of small-scale soil contamination to the complex remediation of legacy pollution and landfills.
Because of our long-standing experience with environmental facilities / systems technology, environmental process technology, landfill construction and landfill monitoring / post closure care, we can provide the complete spectrum of all partial services required.
Our experience gained in remediation planning according the BBodSchG, the monitoring of remediation measures as well as environmental consultation, preventive environment protection and consultation regarding photovoltaic systems constitute but a few of our core competencies.
Environmental Facilities
- Planning, contracting, and construction supervision of facilities for the treatment / remediation of e.g. groundwater and surface water, contaminated soil and other soil aggregates
- Development of operation concepts tailored to specified needs
- Performance of feasibility studies and cost/benefit studies for innovative remediation and processing technologies
- Preparation and performance of approval procedures
- Preparation of report on initial state (AZB) and documents regarding operational settings (UzB) according to IED (Industrial Emission Directive)
Landfill Construction, Monitoring, Post-closure Care
- Planning and construction supervision of landfills according to the DepV (Landfill Ordinance), including all technical systems and landfill gas
- Site and landfill inspection
- Waste emplacement plans, operating plans and quality assurance plans
- Landfill expansion, closure and post-closure management plans to include subsequent use
- Landfill surface and emission control (FID inspection)
- Preparation of annual landfill register
- Groundwater, leachate, and trace gas analyses, soil vapor measurements
Remediation of Soil and Groundwater
- Exploration: Historical research, exploratory survey and detailed investigation, remedial survey, compilation of required health and safety plans, and related coordination (SiGe) according to Article 3 of the BaustellV (Construction Ordinance), if required
- Remediation planning: Preparation of concept tailored to specific requirements, innovative remediation methods, feasibility and variant studies, permit and implementation planning including contracting
- Implementation of construction project: Local site management, site management, expert support
- Preparation of health and safety plans according to TRGS and DGVU rule 101-004, health and safety coordination, preparation of quality assurance plans
- Supervision: Sampling for subsequent analysis (investigation body according to Article 18 of the BBodSchG according to the VSU), preparation of expert reports, monitoring and optimization of ongoing remediation measures, operation and service of treatment and remediation systems
Environmental Consulting
- Preparation of industrial and municipal waste water concepts and waste balance
- Performance of studies and market analyses related to waste management
- Research and selection of suitable technologies and methods
- Planning, performance, and monitoring of field tests including analysis and documentation
- Assessment and recommendations regarding further course of action
Photovoltaic Systems
- Reactivation of fallow industrial and roof areas
- Revision of existing infrastructure (infeed, supply system protection)
- Feasibility study and suitability test in terms of radiation intensity
- Cost/benefit analysis and review of system for approvability
- Planning, contracting, local site management, and support of system start-up
- Consultation regarding funding sources and registration with electric utilities (EVU)