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Natural Resources Management

We offer all services related to natural resources management from the analyses of ecosystems and natural resources to the planning, management and protection of these resources. Based on the collected data, we establish management and development plans and design renaturation measures. Services also include the approval management in terms of environmental compliance with regard to planned construction projects.

Our experts possess the know-how to address our clients’ needs relevant to the topics of natural resources management, e.g. field surveys, management and development planning and approval management in terms of environmental compliance related to construction projects. Data analysis and the presentation of results in maps are performed using customized database applications and geographic information systems (GIS).

Ecosystems and Natural Resources Analyses

  • Habitat mapping, survey and assessment of FFH habitat types (Natura 2000)
  • Habitat and utilization type mapping according to the BayKompV (Bavarian Compensation Ordinance)
  • Surveys of faunistic populations (birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, macrozoobenthos)
  • Long-term ecological observation and monitoring

Environmental Planning and Impact Provisions

  • Approval management in terms of environmental compliance
  • Special evaluation of species protection requirements (saP)
  • Accompanying landscape plans (LBP)
  • Development of management and development plans (PEP)
  • FFH compatibility/impact assessments (FFH-VP)
  • Ecological / environmental monitoring of construction projects (ÖBB)

Management Concepts

  • Planning and implementation of species and habitat protection measures
  • Management and development plans (habitat, population, FFH management plans, grazing concepts)
  • Monitoring of effectiveness of measures

Environmental Awareness

  • Compilation of flyers, information leaflets on species and habitats
  • Design of educational trails and information boards
  • Development of training material

GIS and Remote Sensing

  • Collection of spatial field data using differential GPS and field computers (sub-meter / GIS accuracy)
  • Processing, analysis and presentation of geodata using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), linked to databases (ESRI ArcGIS, QGIS, AutoCad Map)
  • Programming of GIS applications and add-ins
  • Map compilation (GIS, CAD)

Database Development

  • Database administration and management
  • Review and transfer of a collection of data into current database systems (MySQL, MS-Access, SQL server)
  • Programming of user-friendly databases aimed at compiling, storing, and analyzing ecological data (VBA, VB.NET)