Legacy Pollution
Soil, Water, & Legacy Pollution
Today, in the face of a consistently changing environment in terms of predictable living conditions and economic activities (key word climate change), numerous applications are needed that especially address the challenges related to soil protection and water management. In response to these issues, we have successfully offered professional solutions tailored to our clients’ requirements for more than 25 years.
We provide concentrated expertise ranging from soil surveys to soil protection according to the BBodSchG, from exploration and monitoring programs, planning and supervision of technical ground equipment to ecological monitoring of construction projects in terms of soil protection / waste provisions, from ground surveys to geotechnical engineering. As specified in the BBodSchG, Article 18, our team comprises accordingly accredited experts for subject fields 1, 2, 5, and 6.
Compliance with these preconditions ensures that the relevant authorities accept the results of the expert and planning services rendered within the scope of the surveys of contaminated sites according to the BBodSchG and BBodSchV. We render all services related to the exploration, assessment, and clean-up of legacy pollution / contaminated sites, land recycling, and remediation planning according to the BBodSchG, including remediation monitoring.
Experience gained over decades regarding the analysis, modeling and simulation in the field of water management and water development provides a basis for reliable recommendations to be made with regard to flood protection and geothermal energy.
Survey of Legacy Pollution according to the BBodSchG and BBodSchV
(Federal Soil Protection Act and Ordinance)
- Extensive and site-specific surveys / historical research (SG 1 VSU SV) (Subject field 1 Regulation on experts and examination centers of the LfU)
- Risk assessment for hazards to exposure pathway soil / water (SG2 VSU SV) broken down by Phase IIa (exploratory investigation) and Phase IIb (detailed survey)
- Clean-up (SG 5 VSU SV) – Studies and assessment regarding the selection of remediation methods (remedial investigation) to include a remediation concept and a remediation plan
Exploration and Monitoring Programs
- Employment of remote sensing methods (satellites, aerial images)
- Performance and evaluation of hydrological mapping and baseline surveys according to the EC WFD
- Performance and evaluation of flow rate measurements at watercourses employing various hydrometric methods (e.g. current meter)
- Planning, contracting, and support of exploration programs in groundwater and at surface waterbodies/watercourses
- Planning, performance, and evaluation of hydraulic tests
- Planning, performance and evaluation of tracer tests
- Compilation of hydrological and hydrogeological expert reports
Ecological Monitoring of Construction Projects
Soil Protection / Waste
- Preliminary surveys of construction sites and / or sampling (stockpile sampling according to LAGA PN98 (Länder Working Groups on Waste)) during construction period aimed a classifying excavated material in terms of waste management provisions
- Determination and optimization of disposal paths (disposal or re-use) of excavated soil, disposal management, mass flow control, electronic disposal certification process (eANV)
Water Development
- Coordination with relevant authorities and performance of approval procedures (WHG, BayWG) (Water Act, Bavarian Water Act)
- Hydraulic dimensioning of water captures by means of numeric groundwater modeling (Modflow, FE-Flow)
- Planning, contracting, and support of construction measures related to water development
- Compilation of hydrogeological expert reports to include designated water protection areas and Water Protection Ordinance
Municipal Water Management
- Conservation of drinking water through stormwater utilization and use of in-house groundwater captures
- Planning of systems aimed at groundwater utilization (pumps and distribution), e.g. in cooling water cycles and as irrigation water for green spaces
- Dimensioning and planning of water retention measures within the scope of underground engineering work
- Compilation and dimensioning of overall drainage plans and river basin models
- Stormwater management including planning and design of systems of alternative stormwater management, assessment and dimensioning of percolation, retention, and discharge systems according to DWA-M 153, DWA-A 117 (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste).
- Preparation of water permit
Flood Control
- Performance of measurements and field surveys along waterbodies/watercourses
- GIS-based evaluation of baseline data related to the determination and parameterization of watercourse and watershed properties (analysis of natural landscape unit)
- Performance of precipitation / runoff simulations (precipitation / runoff models)
- Performance of hydrodynamic discharge simulations (Hydro-As 2D, GeoHECRAS)
- Establishment and delineation of flood areas
- Preparation of integral flood protection concepts and flood risk maps according to flood management plan (EG-HWRM-RL) and RZWas
Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
- Numeric groundwater modeling (MODFLOW, FE-FLOW)
- Precipitation / runoff simulation (precipitation / runoff models)
- Geostatistical analysis and simulation (variogram analysis, kriging)
- Hydrological GIS-based simulations (runoff paths, runoff concentration)
- Hydrological water balance simulation (HELP model)
- Soil water and leachate simulation (ALTEX-1D)
General Soil Protection (according to BBodSchG, BBodSchV) (Federal Soil Protection Act and Ordinance)
- Planning and performance of soil surveys according to KA 5
- Planning and performance of soil sampling and in-situ tests aimed at determining relevant soil parameters
- Assessment of survey results with regard to soil erosion, water balance, and nutrients, and soil degradation
- Preparation of soil protection and monitoring concepts according to DIN 19639
Water-induced Soil Erosion (BBodSchG, BBodSchV)
- Survey and documentation of erosion structures
- Identification of erosion structures in the field
- Assessment of relevance and recurrence probability of erosion events
- GIS-based modeling of runoff paths and runoff concentrations
- Simulation / modeling of soil erosion (ABAG equation, EROSION-3D)
- Survey of erosion damage and erosion structures
- Planning and dimensioning of erosion control measures
Building Ground and Geotechnology
- Geotechnical surveys and consultation in terms of relevant features of building ground
Geothermal Energy
- Performance of baseline / feasibility studies
- Consultation regarding currently available financing sources
- Planning and approval management of small-scale and large-scale systems of geothermal heat, downhole heat exchanges, and geothermal wells according to guideline 4640 of the VDI (Association of German Engineers), LfU Bulletin No. 3.7/2, Water Act, Bavarian Water Act, and standard 384/6 of the SIA (Association of Swiss Engineers and Architects)
- Design and dimensioning of systems employing EED 3.0, EWS, GED 2.0, MODFLOW and FE-Flow software
- Supervision of construction of geothermal energy system and its and horizontal connection
- Monitoring of geothermal systems
GIS and Database Development
- Management of groundwater monitoring wells and analysis data using databases linked to a Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Depiction of suspected contaminated sites
- Compilation of soil unit maps